Multi Media Gallery Pro

Multi Media Gallery Pro

This DotNetNuke module helps you to create media galleries quickly and easily. It supports many kinds of media types - images (such as jpg, gif, bmp, and tiff), video (avi, mpeg, rm, wmv) and flash. You can upload media files to your gallery.

Highlight Features

Multi Media: the module can display images, video and flash.

Multi sources: the media can be an uploaded file, a file that already existing in the portal or a remote source for web site such as YouTube.

Bulk upload: allow uploading zip files that contains many media files

Quick scan existing Media files: allow adding existing images that already in your portal.

Medias are organized in nested albums. The number of albums is unlimited.

Add medias quickly and easily

Scan Folder: From 6.8.5 version, there is a new "scan folder" function. If you have a large number of medias in your web server, you can add them into a gallery in seconds. It can scan a folder in your web server. It will add found medias into the gallery and it will create sub albums when it finds sub folders.

Bulk upload: admin of the main gallery can bulk upload medias that are in a zip file.

Users upload medias: authorized users can upload medias into the gallery. They can do this in the main gallery. And there is a seperate sub module "Upload Media". You can add it in any page to allow users to upload their medias.

Media types restriction: if you want to build a photo ablum and do not want to other types media added into it, that's OK. You can set the media types of your gallery in the Options of main module.

Uploaded file sieze restriction: you can set the max file size for uploaded file in Options of main module.

Image resize: you can set the max width of uploaded images. The module can resize the image automatically if its width is larger than your setting.


Templated based: The display layout of sub-albums, media thumbnails and media details are based on display template. The template is flat html and is easy to use. There are rich tokens for the templates.

Display Settings for sub albums: you can set display settings for each sub album. The settings include Display Template, Page Size, Cell Space etc.

Lightbox supported: You can add light box in anywhere of the template and need not to enable light box setting.

Rich Features

Media management :

Role based management

Rich looking presentation

Rating and Comments(improved in 5.4):

Sub modules:

Other useful features: